Oscar schmidt festival autoharp value
Oscar schmidt festival autoharp value

Scraping off the old marking and using a magic marker is all it takes to correct for new button labeling. And you will have to change the identity on the buttons of some of the original bars that will be used to convert to what is shown. This re-arrangement will require you to refelt at least 6 bars from the standard Oscar Schmidt layout to be able to layout the bars as shown. Now, factory 15 bar Oscar harps and Chromaharps don't even have "A" chords, or "E" chords. Here's what the new re-arrangement of bars looks like: This allows you to be able to play in the EXACT SAME FINGERING PATTERN for the 6 keys of: A, C, D, E, F, and G! Far better than what the factory provides!

oscar schmidt festival autoharp value

These chords are arranged so that as long as you have one chord bar OVER, and one chord bar UNDER whichever chord you press, you will find that the I, IV, V chords surround each other in a consistent pattern. The row of 8 bars on the bass string side consists of all Major chords, except the very bottom "B7" chord. Let's discuss the two row re-arrangement that I find makes the most sense for chromatic playing. So, it's prudent to alter the poor layout to make it far more user-friendly! It has never changed through all the years they've been made, except for certain models which are not available today. Oscar Schmidt and Chromaharp 15 bar harps actually leave a lot to be desired due to their poor chord bar arrangement. But more than that, the standard factory 15 bar chord layout is not as well arranged as a 21 bar autoharp for being user-friendly. A chromatic harp player using a 15 bar harp will have to make some concessions, because (s)he'll not have as many chords as a 21 bar harp.

Oscar schmidt festival autoharp value